At Race Dynamics we provide complete rider support. Our services range from building and tuning bikes and supplying the best race proven performance parts to fitting, tuning and maintaining suspension. 

We also provide full race meeting and ride day support with training. Storage, shipping and logistics can also be arranged. We cater to all riders from Novice to World Championship competitor. Maybe you just want to know how to get into racing, contact us to learn more.

Bike Setup & Development

SBK Store

Our expertise in Dyno tuning covers all the major fuel injection modules, Factory race ECU's and high end data systems like Motec, Magnetti Marelli and Nemisis. We can even tune (reflash) stock ECU's, eliminating the need for piggy back fueling units. We specialize in scheduled maintenance and performance modifications. We also supply, fit and balance tyres.

We use, recommend and sell Ktech suspension, Carbonin race glass and Capit tyrewarmers amongst many other race proven products. We prefer to collect data using Aim equipment because it is simple to use and setup. It's essential to measure your gains. We have chosen these products because of our experience with them in the World Superbike Championship.

We use a GMD Computrack measurement station. This gives us the unique ability to not only check if your bike is straight and safe but also optimise it to produce mechanical grip and geometric efficiency which translates to better lap times. Your bike can steer beyond anything you have ever experienced and stick to the track with superior tyre wear.

Our bikes have set lap records. If you want a fast, reliable motorcycle, come and see us.

Rider Development Program

It doesn't matter how good the bike is, if YOU the rider, aren't getting the most out of it. We highly recommend California Superbike School as the foundation of knowledge to learn the art of cornering. With that training in place we are uniquely positioned to develop your racing ability.

Our rider development program starts with MDE; Motorcycle Dynamics Education. Specifically we explore what each suspension adjuster does and feels like, then we develop a vocabulary together to accurately describe its behaviour in a consistent manner. This enables you to setup your own bike and will facilitate effective tuning with a Crew Chief in the future.

We also conduct RBT (no not what you're thinking) - Race Braking Training. We teach Track Analysis, Race tactics, Physical and Mental preparation and Race starts. We have worked with riders in Championships all over the world and know the challenges you face. Let us help.

Book Coaching

Brands we use and recommend

Aim Sports SystemsVortex LogoArrow Logo
Isn't it time you lived your potential?
Race Dynamics, breaking down the principles, the science and the logic behind racing a motorcycle before applying it all together on track... where it counts most!

Our Champions

Phil Lovett

Cru Halliday

michael fraser

Matt Harding



Sophie Lovett Racing






Michael Lockart




Leanne Nelson



0413 730 044

16/176 South Creek Rd
Cromer NSW 2099
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